
Ekhdimly Platform

A freelancing platform, designed and owned by techween, went form a mere idea to a platform that provides jobs for hundreds of freelancers in North africa.

the problem.

At the beginning, we faced so many challenges to complete such a massive and complex project that requires so much time, effort, and money. We first needed to choose a suitable and simple name for the platform that can reflect its nature and can resonate with our targeted audience as well. We also needed a fast and secure web hosting to provide a conducive digital work environment for freelancers to work conveniently and securely. 

As a next step, and with our competition in mind, we needed to create a visual identity to set us apart from other competitors in the market. But that was only the tip of the iceberg; our biggest challenge was developing and designing the platform itself and how to attract freelancers to use the platform afterwards.

the solution.

By following all the six items of Techween Plan in order, we were able to overcome the obstacles one by one. First we chose a short and easy-to-remember domain name with (.com) TLD, and a solid web hosting package with great resources to make sure it runs fast with zero downtime. 

The next phase we made sure to develop the visual identity of the brand, which encompasses a logo, tagline, typography, colour palettes, illustrations, and images to be used in both social medial channels and the website. Then we developed the platform with utmost professionalism. The platform is feature-rich and was designed to include everything a freelancer needs to work online and earn an income, and the top features are as follows:

the results.

After 5 months of rigorous work, and going through all the three pillars (and the six items) of Techween Plan, our efforts finally bore fruit. The results we achieved so far for this project are as follows: